Hello! This ReadMe will show any game version change, based on improvements or changes that affect game's look and functionality. New comments in the code are NOT seen as a version change! Thank you! First Version (v1.0.0) was released on April 15th, 2017 Current Version of the Game: v1.3.2 (Previous versions: v1.0.0, v1.1.0, v1.2.0, v1.2.1, v1.2.2, v1.2.3, v1.3.0, v1.3.1) New updates? Yes (see below) Applied updates: Yes (April 19, 2017; April 21, 2017; April 22, 2017; April 23, 2017; April 26, 2017; June 8th, 2017; June 11th, 2017; JUne 19th, 2017) Update: 1 (v1.0.0 --> v1.1.0) Playing field will be redrawn to be more identical to real soccer field. The thickness of the lines will be reduced and the playground will be enlarged to accomodate these changes. As a result, more audience will be designed. Released: April 19, 2017 Update: 2 (v1.1.0 --> v1.2.0) To make game real, ball serving was changed from mouse positioning to corner serving. Then, making goals is made possible by preventing ball from moving when it hit the goal and it is positioned at the top left corner. Speed is fixed now. Also, game now records scores. New colouring scheme for the teams' scores and new message of win and loss for the player's team (i.e. Home Team) Released: April 20, 2017 Update: 3 (v1.2.0 --> v1.2.1) All of this update was expected to debut in v1.3.0 version. However, some technical difficulties in adding advances to the game such as, ability of the playground to adjust to browser's resolution and the inclusion of spectators' cheering and chanting, have forced me to release unaffected contents of the update today and tommorow. These contests are being released through updates v1.2.1 and v1.2.2, but only one part of that content is released through this update. IT INCLUDES upgraded soccer field that conforms to standard one, albeit partially. Also, the goals have been relocated to conform to new line scheme. The other part that will supplant the other part of field upgrade will appear shortly in version v1.2.2 Released: April 22, 2017 Update: 4 (v1.2.1 --> v1.2.2) Another part of the promised update have been released today. The contents are added lining that make playground conform to the soccer field standards. As the key part that controls the ball movement is not ready yet, the ball and the public parts of the code have been deactivated until the said control part is not released. Released: April 23, 2017 Update: 5 (v1.2.2 --> v1.2.3) This update was supposed to be v1.3.0 However, as most of its content was released in v1.2.1 and v1.2.2, its purpose doesn't have sense. This update changes the instructions of the game and includes audio file. The audio was present from v1.2.0, but some technical difficulties prevented it from being released. The problem is fixed by adding .htaccess file that adds support for .wav files Released: April 26, 2017 Update: 6 (v1.2.3 --> v1.3.0) Finally, the update that has been waited for so long! The game introduces two teams, Home and Guest. Use WASD to move Home and JIKL to move guest team. Furthermore, the function for collision with the soccer ball is perfected and new "soccer ball" is introduced. Furthermore, the system for recording score is improved so only that score is recorded only in the net. In the end, the sound control is introduced and the Pause function is still in development. Game will stop after first team score 10 goals. The update in website and the game's description and instructions is pending. More comments will be added to explain the code for those who want to use it. More updates will be introduced in subsequent updates. Released: June 8th, 2017 Update: 7 (v1.3.0 --> v1.3.1) As promised in previous update, Pause function is introduced and website outlook, description and instruction are implemented. Game cards are added: "Main Title Card" and "Instructions" card are added and Instructions from the website are moved into the game. New website has been added to host Description about the game and previous location of the description have been deleted as new one have been created and linked to main webpage. Released: June 11th, 2017 Update: 8 (v1.3.1 --> v1.3.2) The implementation of game cards have led to sudden low frame rate due to code overload. As a result, sound has been discontinued. I apologize for end of the sound as too many feature have led to sudden drop in performance. Furthermore, variables have been updated as one of the was a system variable. So, programming of p5 had resulted in discontinuation of sound. I apologize for long time between updates. Many new features have been developed behind the scene and are not introduced in small updates like in previous ones. I hope that by June 19th, 2017 the game will be ready for use. From that date, the version is to be v1.0.0 This versions will be treated as pre-release development updates to the original one. As a result, new numbering scheme will be introduced. I hope that this game will be ported to other programming languages and be available as computer program, not a website script. I thank you all for using this game. For more information, contact me. With respect, Gage13.