
  1. My video game for ICS2O summative is soccer game Canada versus Northern Ireland. To access the game, click on soccer ball on my portfolio Inside main webpage, there will be link to separate description page and you'll see main title card of the game. To begin the game, click "Start the game" box. To view instrunctions on playing the game, click "Instructions".
  2. When you begin the game, a huge soccer arena will show up. Move the teams of the players to score 10 goals to win the game. Or your opponent will win and you lose!
  3. Controlling players is easy. To move "Canada" team (aka Home (RED team)), use WASD keys to move up, left, down, right. To control "Northern Ireland" team (BLUE team (aka Guest)), use JIKL keys for left, up, down, right movement.
  4. Throughout the game, fan cheering will be played and real rules of soccer will apply. If the ball drifts out of the plaaying area, it will be "OUT" and will be shoot from the corner where the "OUT" was made. However, be warned that some features such as Penal will NOT be included due to limitations on the game's programming. On the other hand, a "Pause" function is introduced to make pause in the game
  5. Video game will have score clock that records goals made by either team. When ball is inside the goal net, score will change by 1 point.
  6. When first ten scores is reached, game stops and message "You Won!" or "You Lose!" will be displayed. As said before, 10 scores determine how player will win or lose.